Excessive Head Sweating

Excessive head sweating is very uncomfortable for the sufferer, and is rarely taken seriously by people who do not suffer from it. When the head sweats a lot, it can result in streams of sweat pouring down the face, lank and unapealing hair, burning eyes and scalp irritation. This is all aside from the discomfort caused by profuse sweating.

Medically, excess sweating is refered to as "hyperhidrosis", which basically just means sweating too much, and this is a condition which can effect any part of the body. The exact cause of this condition is not known, so the medical profession has a hard time treating excessive head sweating.

There are a number of treatments which doctors have proven to be effective, but they are almost all drastic and have side efefcts. Examples of these treatments include surgery, strong drugs such as antidepressants, and treatment with electrical currents.

While I strongly believe that your MD is the first person you should see about health issues, I do also think that if you are not seeing an improvement in your excessive head sweating with routine treatments, you should try a different, natural approach before commiting to the more drastic treatments mentioned above.

There is a method that a number of people have enjoyed good results with that is 100% natural, is safe and does not require weird and wonderful ingredients, or supplements that cost more than your car.

Click here to see the method that can help get rid of your excessive head sweating.